0439 77 99 14 ado@sharpdesign.com.au

| Engraved Labels

Engraved Labels for switchboards and electrical labelling. 

Laberton Pty Ltd have been supplying engraved labels to electrical contractors and switchboard makers since 1996.

Laberton Engraving
engraved labels website

Engraved Labels is a mobile responsive WordPress CMS website.

This client came to me when they needed to modernise their existing website, make it mobile responsive and improve it search engine ranking.

Sometimes I have to dig deep to find work out how to make something that is not really visually appealing into an aesthetically pleasing website… but thanks to the design options of my WordPress theme, I think I did OK!


“Ado, thank you, looks much better than the old one. :-)”

Want to talk about your website? Tell me what you have in mind....

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